My name is Petra Koprivec, and each piece of music I composed for you is tuned to a particular frequency based on the golden ratio, the fibonacci sequence, and the ancient Egyptian knowledge of the grid of 9, which was previously known to Tesla, Pythagoras, Plato and Da'Vinci.
The grid of nine correlates to specific colours, numbers, and sacred geometric patterns that appear in music and are essentially the building blocks of our entire universe. Whether it's to aid in healing, relaxation, falling asleep, calming your baby or immersing you in the grand piano's live, acoustic sound, I am going to be releasing a brand-new, heart-warming soundscape every week! In order to get notifications about the most recent videos and embark on a new journey of discovery please subscribe.
Music for your videos
With our common synchronization license, you can easily license Petra Koprivec's music for your video or short film. The fee is 300 € per track, which covers ONE video or short film of up to 60 minutes in length. If you want to create another video in the future, you'll need to purchase another license.
Before making a purchase, make sure to read the license terms and agreements. The music cannot be the main focus of your video. More information on resolving copyright disputes can be found on YouTube.
has been called the universe's womb, and it represents duality: night and day, feminine and masculine, moon and sun, + and -, two opposing sides of the same principle that complete each other. Its geometric design is both simple and ingenious. For thousands of years, it has been known as one of the most sacred and mathematically perfect symbols in the world.
It symbolizes the holy trinity of mother, father, and spirit. It is a 2D representation of a 3D Merkaba symbol that allows incarnation into and out of the spiritual plane. It represents the element of fire, a warm embrace of divine support. The hexagon shape represents the union of opposites that gives birth to life: the fusion of heaven and earth, as well as light and darkness, from which the third dimension emerges.
is a symbol of new beginnings. Many civilizations consider the egg of life a symbol of fertility and rebirth. It has been assumed to be the musical organizational framework because the spaces between the circles resemble those between full-tones and semi-tones on the musical chromatic scale. It is identical to how human embryonic development occurs at the cellular level. Meiosis occurs, with cells initially dividing into two, then four, and finally eight; that's why the egg of life is regarded as the fundamental geometrical framework of all creation.
is named after the Archangel Metatron, who appears in Jewish tradition, Christian tradition, and some aspects of Islam, representing the bridge between matter and the divine. It contains every shape that has ever been created in the universe, and those shapes act as the basis for all matter. They are also known as PLATONIC SOLIDS because Plato connected them to both the spirit world of heaven and the physical elements on Earth. From crystals to human DNA, these three-dimensional forms can be found in every part of the creation:
Star Tetrahedron: Fire
Hexahedron: Earth
Octahedron: Air
Icosahedron: Water
Dodecahedron: Ether
Mer translates to "rotating fields of light." Ka denotes "spirit" and Bah signifies "soul". MerKaBah, the divine vehicle, also has the meaning of "chariot" in Hebrew.
The upright triangle represents the Sacred Masculine through the following traits: sun, life, fire, heat, the spiritual world, evolution, and the trinity of love, truth, and wisdom.
Air is symbolized by the horizontal line at the triangle's base.
The inverted triangle symbolizes the Sacred Feminine through the following characteristics: moon, matrix, water, cool, natural world, body, yoni, shakti, involution, and great mother.
The two triangles represent the union of masculine and feminine energies.
is thought to contain the "hidden code" that underpins the fundamental laws of the universe and life as we know it. It includes complex mathematical formulas such as the Fibonacci sequence, the golden ratio, the pi mathematical formula, and root formulas for musical scales.
Leonardo da Vinci was said to be "obsessed"with Sacred Geometry and he is still well known today, despite the fact that he lived over 500 years ago. Many of his paintings and sculptures, including his well-known Mona Lisa, feature the dimensions, ratios, and alignments of the flower of life. The most famous example of Da Vinci's use of the Flower of Life geometry is his famous illustration of the "Vitruvian Man."
A vortex is an example of a torus. A torus can be found in everything, including atoms, life forms, and cosmic bodies such as stars and galaxies. It is the most fundamental form of existence. When all energy is properly aligned, it continuously cycles between spirit and matter.
It represents the beginning of something as a descent from spirit or ascent from matter through a central conduit of light, energy, and consciousness. A never-ending flow that is always circling. It is an energy field made up of waves that constantly circulate around the body. When two or more energy streams collide, they form a vortex whorl. Consider a ripple-producing wave pattern, but imagine it as three-dimensional and flowing around our body in the shape of a doughnut.
represents unity. The completion of creation; a never-ending loop because it appears to have no beginning or end. Pi, or the circumference-to-diameter ratio of a circle, can be used to demonstrate the concept of this "never-ending" shape. Everything in nature is curved and flows in cycles; there are no straight lines.
Life, death, and rebirth;
day, night, and day;
an endless flow of energy. Every form and shape has a curve and is made up of circles, waves, and spheres, such as planets, cells, flowers, trees, mountains, see waves, etc. People have created the only straight lines that exist. As a result, the circle represents the feminine force of creation—the spiritual world.
is a true pioneer in numerology, eager to break new ground, and represents all newness, movement, and birth. It represents the divine beginning of the universe. It is also linked to light and the color white. The sun emits light at 528 Hz, which corresponds to the musical note C (DO).
528 Hz
This frequency is used by genetic biochemists to repair DNA; it heals DNA by removing impurities that cause sickness and disease; it was used in the experiment of cleaning polluted ocean water (the BP spill in 2010) with incredible results; it's found in oxygen, rainbows, grass and chlorophyll, sun rays, as well as bee buzzing. It's known as the "love frequency" or "miracle tone." John Lennon used 528 Hz in his song "Imagine."
A Japanese study found that listening to this frequency for five minutes reduces stress in the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems.
Numerologists regard number 2 as a supremely feminine force. It represents harmony, intuition, grace, power, and collaboration. It is also related to the colour red and denotes the musical note E (MI). Colour red symbolises love, femininity and life force.
333, 666, and 999 Hz
Three, six, and nine are extremely powerful numbers with incredible mathematical properties. The most resonant frequencies are those whose sum is 3, 6, or 9. Nicola Tesla's most famous quote is: "If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the universe."
Them being the master numbers—double or even triple in this case, gives them even more power and resonance.
represents the child and the magic created by the fusion of two other things. Almost everything in life can be broken down into three parts: the beginning, the middle, and the end; birth, life, and death; past, present, and future; width, length, and height.The Goddess herself is personified in three ways: as a virgin, a mother, and a crone. It is also related to the colour orange and denotes the musical note Eb (MI be-mol).
627 Hz (A = 444Hz)
The sum of this frequency is 6
(6 + 2 + 7 = 15 1 + 5 = 6)
Three, six, and nine are extremely powerful numbers with incredible mathematical properties. The most resonant frequencies are those whose sum is 3, 6, or 9. Nicola Tesla's most famous quote is: "If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the universe."
It represents stability, wholeness, and universality; it is the base of a pyramid, ground, or earth. There are four points of the compass: north, south, east, and west. 4 seasons of the year: winter, spring, summer, and autumn; 4 fundamental elements: air, fire, water, and earth. The SUN CROSS is one of the oldest symbols known to mankind (Neolitic period)
In Biblical terminology, the pronunciation of "SON on the cross" is the same as "SUN on the cross," and it refers to the very beginning of creation. The SOURCE itself. A sun is often painted behind the head of religious figures or behind the “cross” symbol, describing the sacred origin of all things.
It's also associated with the colour YELLOW and denotes the musical note D (RE).
144 Hz
is one of the sacred frequencies known and used for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Number 144.000 appears in the Bible. There are 144.000 casing stones in the Great Pyramid of Giza. It appears on King’s List of Sumerian Tablets. 144 is the twelfth Fibonacci number, and the largest one to also be a square number (which is also its index in the Fibonacci sequence).
It is believed to be one of the most sacred and powerful frequencies known to mankind.
is associated with the five-pointed star, or "Haykal," which in Arabic means "temple" thus representing Earth, Mother Nature, the ground from which everything emerges. To experience the world, we have five senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. We also have five fingers and five toes on each hand and foot. It is believed that in order for something to come to life or manifest, we need at least five elements. Number 5 is also related to the colour green and represents the musical note G (SOL).
99 Hz
Three, six, and nine are extremely powerful numbers with incredible mathematical properties. The most resonant frequencies are those whose sum is 3, 6, or 9. Nicola Tesla's most famous quote is: "If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the universe."
This being a master number gives it even more power and resonance.
is the inverse of the number 9, which represents the highest spiritual realm, while the number 6 represents its reflection on Earth.
"As above, so below."
The esoteric meaning of six is that it was considered a "number of creation"; God created the world in six days. The symmetry of 6 expresses the sacred geometry that governs all material forms in the universe. It also refers to the six couples of gods who govern the twelve zodiac signs. It is related to the colour blue and denotes the musical note F# (FA DIESIS).
360 Hz
up until now, people believed it was impossible to hear a "shape" or "geometric form," but by converting 360 degree angles in a circle or square to a frequency of 360 hertz (Hz), we can literally HEAR the circle, and the frequency vibrates in the note F#! furthermore, if you keep adding up the frequencies of the next six consecutive geometric shapes, you'll get the perfect sequence of F# HARMONICS, with the first six harmonics forming a PERFECT F# MAJOR CHORD.
is the symbol of completion, perfection, and eternal life. There are 7 days of the week, 7 wonders of the world, 7 original planets, 7 chakras, and 7 notes in a scale. There are seven prime colours in Isaac Newton’s colour sequence: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Additionally, in Christianity, God creates the world in 7 days (resting on the 7th day). It's also associated with the colour indigo and denotes the musical note F (FA).
88 Hz (A = 111 Hz)
Three, six, and nine are extremely powerful numbers with incredible mathematical properties. The most resonant frequencies are those whose sum is 3, 6, or 9. Nicola Tesla's most famous quote is: "If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the universe."
It represents infinity. If you turn the number horizontally, you literally get the symbol for "Infinity." Since the demotion of Pluto to a dwarf planet on August 24, 2006, in our solar system, eight of the bodies orbiting the sun are considered to be planets. It is also known as Ashta in Sanskrit, is the number of wealth and abundance. The goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi, has eight forms known as Ashta Lakshmi. It's also associated with the color purple and denotes the musical note A (LA).
111 Hz, 222 Hz, 444 Hz & 888 Hz
(all these frequencies are notes A in different octaves)
Many ancient sites are tuned to the frequency of 111Hz such a Stonehenge and chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza. 111 Hz is known to alter the consciousness.
is the last and ultimate number, representing unity. Its shape represents the SPIRAL - Fibonacci spiral, universe spiral - ever growing and all including space of all creation. It has the highest vibrational frequency. No matter what number you multiply by 9, the sum is always 9, that is why it has the highest spiritual power: "whatever is touched by spirit becomes spirit". It represents magic, mysticism, the night, feminine energy, a global phenomenon, and fulfilment. Just as number 1 represents the singularity, light, and beginning of creation, number 9 represents unity, completion, and wholeness. It is the most powerful number of them all. It's also associated with the colour black (or negative green of BG3 energy by Dr. Ibrahim Karim) and denotes the musical note B (SI).
999 Hz
This is the ultimate frequency - triple master number 9 - the most powerful of them all.